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Marijuana smokers in Portland metro area and all over Oregon are paying even more in taxes than state officials expected by this time of year. Portland dispensaries helped put a big dent in the overall collection of marijuana sales tax to be attained at the end of the month. According to figures announced late last… Read more »
Alpha Black: Roast a Bowl that Won’t Bowl You Over The cannabis wizzes over at Mother Magnolia’s Medicinals have been taking their grow rooms to the next level. On the technological front they are using a more sustainable form LED lighting, as well as pushing cannabis grow science along with their artful agriculture. It is… Read more »
At Attis Trading Company, we see a wide variety of customers who come to us for an even wider range of reasons. Some folks just want to get as uber-baked as possible, and with a wide variety of potent flower and super-clean extracts, we’re here to deliver. Other customers are patients: they’re looking for CBD… Read more »
Usually when we hear the word “organic”, we think of overpriced veggies. But what about when it comes to organic marijuana? What are some of the potential benefits? When you take a deeper look into the possible benefits of organic marijuana, you might find it somewhat of a shock that it’s not as common to… Read more »